About Us
The Research Solution Center, Inc. is a national teleservice company located in Moorhead, Minnesota, right across the bridge from Fargo, North Dakota. Our central Midwest location allows us the ability to schedule our callers to work your campaigns in any time zone at the times that are best for your target demographic.
In business since 2003, it has flourished into what it is today. With hard work and dedication, we have maintained long-term relationships with our clients and have continued to exceed the company's goals each year.
To help our clients manage their projects, we provide daily reports via email or fax. We export in many formats, which are compatible with many statistical software packages—eliminating your data entry. In addition, we can provide weekly and monthly hard-copy summaries.
Anytime you field your project with us, all information is confidential—even an initial call or contact to request more information. Our call center has 36 CATI (Computer-Aided Telephone Interviewing) stations. We also guarantee that all representatives working on your project will be accent neutral. Making sure that your research is conducted accurately without the possibility of misinterpretation by respondents.
We will customize our services to fit our individual clients' needs. We provide all the details and answer all your questions in order to allow you to better understand your target consumer.